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The boss

As soon as Veronica was in she started fucking me with long powerful strokes. As I began to get over the initial pain my anus relaxed and her pumping got harder and harder turning into a human wood pecker. I looked up and could see her face full of elation and a determination to completely dominate me. This beautiful face turned me on but the thing that sent my cum deprived cock hard again was the sight of her beautiful tits bouncing up and down in rhythm with her every stroke. I sat there mesmerised by the staccato rhythm until my dick exploded for a second time. This was the first time I had ever been able to cum without touching and the experience drove me wild.

Noticing my cum drenched torso, Veronica smiled and with a fiendish little laugh said "Turnover slut it's my turn to cum." Obeying her order I got onto all fours and within a second my ass was again invaded by the most beautiful of cocks. Though I hardly believed it possible Veronica then began to pump harder as I knelt there moaning in ecstasy. Her cock pounded into my prostate giving me wave after wave of pain mixed with pure elation. As I began to rock my body back and forth in time with her movement Veronica squeezed tighter onto my body and before long I felt her warm sticky juice gush into me. We sprawled onto the ground in each others arms breathing heavily, recovering from our exertions. Veronica then whispered in my ear, "Yes, you will make a very good assistant... slut."

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